Bergen County Divorce Lawyer

At Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C., we understand that navigating the complexities of a divorce can be an emotionally taxing and challenging journey for anyone involved. Located in the heart of Bergen County, NJ, our team of skilled divorce lawyers is committed to providing compassionate, comprehensive legal representation tailored to the unique needs of each client. With decades of collective experience, we specialize in a wide range of family law matters, from straightforward uncontested divorces to the most complex and contentious disputes. Our approach is grounded in a deep understanding of the intricacies of New Jersey’s divorce laws, ensuring that our clients are expertly guided through each step of the process.

divorced couple

Common Reasons Why Couples Seek Divorce

Divorce is a complex and often heart-wrenching process that couples may decide to undertake for various reasons. At Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C., we have supported numerous clients through their divorce proceedings, offering expert legal guidance and representation. As experienced divorce lawyers in Bergen County, NJ, we have observed several common reasons why couples choose to part ways. Understanding these reasons can help individuals navigate their situations more effectively and make informed decisions about their futures.

  • Lack of Communication
  • Infidelity
  • Financial Issues
  • Growing Apart

We Offer Expert Guidance on New Jersey Divorce Laws

  • Understanding Legal Grounds: We begin by helping our clients understand the legal grounds for divorce in New Jersey and determining the most appropriate grounds to file under based on their specific circumstances.
  • Navigating the Process: Our team guides clients through each step of the divorce process, from filing the initial complaint to finalizing the divorce decree. We ensure that clients are informed and prepared for what to expect at each stage.

Protecting Your Financial Interests

  • Asset and Debt Division: We provide expert advice on equitable distribution of marital assets and debts, ensuring a fair division that protects our clients’ financial interests.
  • Spousal and Child Support: Our attorneys negotiate and advocate for fair spousal and child support arrangements, taking into account the financial needs and capabilities of both parties.
  • Retirement and Investment Accounts: We address the complex issues surrounding the division of retirement and investment accounts, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and protecting our clients’ future financial security.

Prioritizing Children’s Best Interests

  • Child Custody and Parenting Time: Our primary focus in any case involving children is to protect their best interests. We help clients negotiate custody arrangements and parenting time schedules that foster a healthy environment for the children.
  • Modifications: Life changes, and so do the needs of children. We assist clients in modifying existing custody and support orders to reflect new circumstances, always prioritizing the well-being of the children involved.

Negotiating and Litigating with Your Best Interests in Mind

  • Negotiation and Mediation: We believe in the power of negotiation and mediation to resolve disputes amicably and efficiently. Our lawyers are skilled negotiators, dedicated to achieving favorable outcomes for our clients while minimizing emotional and financial strain.
  • Litigation: When litigation is necessary, our team is prepared to vigorously represent our clients in court. We combine thorough preparation with strategic advocacy to protect our clients’ rights and interests throughout the trial process.

Offering Support and Accessibility

  • Emotional Support: We understand that divorce is not just a legal process but an emotional journey. Our team offers compassionate support, helping clients navigate the emotional aspects of their divorce with sensitivity and understanding.
  • Accessibility: Our clients have direct access to their attorneys, ensuring that questions and concerns are addressed promptly. We believe in keeping clients informed and involved in their cases, providing regular updates and clear communication.

Division of Assets

Division of assets is a critical component of the divorce process, often one of the most contentious and complex issues that divorcing couples face. At Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C., our seasoned divorce lawyers in Bergen County, NJ, possess a deep understanding of the nuances involved in equitable asset division. We are dedicated to ensuring that our clients receive fair treatment and protection of their legal rights throughout the divorce proceedings.

Understanding Equitable Distribution

In New Jersey, the law follows the principle of equitable distribution when dividing marital assets during a divorce. It’s important to note that equitable does not necessarily mean equal but rather what is fair and just considering the circumstances of the marriage. This includes a wide range of assets acquired during the marriage, such as real estate, retirement accounts, investments, and personal property. Our role is to help our clients understand their rights and to advocate for an equitable share of the marital estate.

Identifying Marital vs. Separate Property

A critical step in the division of assets involves distinguishing between marital and separate property. Marital property includes most assets acquired by either spouse during the marriage, while separate property refers to assets owned prior to the marriage, gifts, and inheritances received by one spouse alone. At Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C., we meticulously analyze our clients’ financial situations to accurately classify assets, ensuring that separate property is protected and marital assets are fairly divided.

Complex Assets and Business Valuations

The division of complex assets, including businesses, professional practices, and investment portfolios, requires specialized knowledge. Our team at Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C., collaborates with financial experts to accurately value these assets, ensuring that our clients receive their equitable share. We understand the intricacies of business valuations, tax implications, and the division of retirement assets, providing our clients with comprehensive guidance and representation.

Navigating Asset Division with Compassion and Expertise

The division of assets in a divorce can be emotionally charged and financially daunting. Our approach combines legal acumen with sensitivity to the emotional aspects of divorce. We work closely with our clients, providing personalized attention and tailoring our strategies to meet their unique needs and objectives. Whether through negotiation, mediation, or litigation, our goal is to achieve a division of assets that allows our clients to move forward with their lives on a secure financial footing.

Spousal Support and Child Support

In the emotionally charged arena of divorce, two critical issues that frequently arise are spousal support (often referred to as alimony) and child support. These financial obligations can significantly impact the lives of all parties involved, long after the divorce decree is finalized. At Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C., our experienced divorce lawyers in Bergen County, NJ, are adept at navigating the complexities of spousal and child support, ensuring that our clients receive or pay a fair amount based on their circumstances.

Spousal support, or alimony, is a financial provision one spouse makes to the other during or after a divorce. It is not awarded in every divorce case but depends on various factors, including the length of the marriage, each spouse’s financial situation, earning capacity, and the standard of living established during the marriage. Our role is to advocate for a fair assessment of these factors, ensuring that any spousal support awarded is just and equitable. Whether our clients seek to receive or may be obligated to pay alimony, we strive to negotiate terms that protect their financial interests and recognize their contributions to the marriage.

Determining Child Support

Child support is a separate issue, designed to cover the expenses related to raising a child or children from the marriage. In New Jersey, both parents are legally obligated to support their children financially. The amount of child support is typically determined by state guidelines, which consider the income of both parents, the number of children, and other relevant expenses. At Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C., we work diligently to ensure that child support calculations accurately reflect our clients’ financial situations and the needs of their children. Our priority is to secure an arrangement that ensures the children’s well-being and financial stability.

Modification and Enforcement

Life circumstances change, and with them, the ability to pay or the need for support may also change. Whether it’s a significant increase or decrease in income, remarriage, or a change in custody arrangements, these factors can necessitate a modification of spousal or child support orders. We assist our clients in navigating the legal process for modifying support orders, providing the necessary evidence to support the request for a change.

Enforcement of support orders is another area where we offer our expertise. If a spouse fails to comply with court-ordered spousal or child support, we can take legal action to enforce the order, including garnishment of wages, liens on property, or other legal remedies available under New Jersey law.

Collaborative Approach to Support Issues

At Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C., we believe in a collaborative approach to resolving spousal and child support issues. By fostering open communication and negotiation, we aim to reach amicable agreements that serve the best interests of our clients and their children. However, when litigation becomes necessary, we are prepared to vigorously represent our clients’ interests in court.

Understanding The Process of Divorce

Understanding the process of divorce is crucial for anyone considering or facing the dissolution of their marriage. It involves several steps, each with its own legal requirements and emotional challenges. At Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C., our experienced divorce lawyers in Bergen County, NJ, are dedicated to guiding our clients through this complex process with compassion and expertise. Here, we outline the key stages of divorce to help individuals better understand what to expect.

Initiating the Divorce

  • Filing the Complaint for Divorce: The process begins when one spouse files a complaint for divorce with the court. This document outlines the grounds for divorce and any initial requests for relief, such as child custody or support.
  • Serving the Complaint: Once filed, the complaint must be legally served on the other spouse, giving them notice of the divorce action.

Responding to the Divorce

  • Answering the Complaint: The spouse who receives the complaint has a specific period to respond. They may agree with the statements in the complaint, contest them, or file counterclaims.
  • Temporary Orders: Either spouse can request temporary court orders for issues like child support, spousal support, or custody during the divorce proceedings.

Discovery Phase

  • Exchange of Information: Both parties engage in the discovery process, exchanging detailed information about assets, debts, income, and expenses. This can involve written questions (interrogatories), document requests, and depositions.
  • Expert Evaluations: In some cases, experts such as child psychologists, appraisers, or financial analysts may be involved to provide insights on custody, asset valuation, or income.

Negotiation and Settlement

  • Negotiating Agreements: With the help of their divorce lawyers, parties will attempt to negotiate agreements on various aspects of the divorce, including asset division, child custody, support, and alimony.
  • Mediation: If direct negotiations are unsuccessful, mediation may be recommended. A neutral third party helps the spouses reach agreements.


  • Preparation and Proceedings: If negotiation and mediation do not result in a settlement, the case will go to trial. Both parties present evidence and arguments, and a judge makes the final decisions.
  • Judgment of Divorce: The judge’s decisions on all contested issues are formalized in a judgment of divorce, which legally dissolves the marriage.

Post-Divorce Actions

  • Modifications: After the divorce, if circumstances change significantly, either party can request modifications to orders for custody, support, or alimony.
  • Enforcement: If one party fails to comply with the terms of the divorce decree, the other party may take legal action to enforce compliance.

Navigating the divorce process can be emotionally draining and legally complex. Our team at Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C., offers comprehensive legal support to ensure that your rights and interests are protected throughout every stage of your divorce. With our extensive experience as divorce lawyers in Bergen County, NJ, we are equipped to handle the intricacies of your case, whether it involves negotiation, mediation, or litigation. We encourage you to reach out to us for a consultation, where we can discuss your specific situation and how we can assist you in achieving a favorable outcome in your divorce proceedings. Our commitment is to provide empathetic, professional, and effective representation to all our clients during this challenging time.

Bergen County Divorce Infographic

The Divorce Process In Bergen County, NJ Infographic

Bergen County, NJ Divorce Law FAQs

How Long Does a Divorce Take in Bergen County, NJ?

The duration of a divorce in Bergen County, NJ, can vary significantly depending on several factors, such as whether the divorce is contested or uncontested, the complexity of the marital assets, and the willingness of both parties to come to an agreement on key issues. An uncontested divorce, where both parties agree on all terms, can be finalized in a few months. However, a contested divorce, involving disputes over assets, custody, or other matters, may take a year or more to resolve. The specific timeline also depends on the court’s schedule and the efficiency of the legal representation involved.

Is New Jersey a No-Fault Divorce State?

Yes, New Jersey is a no-fault divorce state, allowing couples to file for divorce without the need to prove fault or wrongdoing by either spouse. One of the most common grounds for a no-fault divorce in New Jersey is irreconcilable differences, where the couple acknowledges that their marriage has broken down for at least six months and reconciliation is not possible. This provision enables a more straightforward and less contentious divorce process, as it eliminates the need for proving fault such as adultery, cruelty, or abandonment.

Can I Get Divorced in Bergen County, NJ, If I Was Married in Another State?

Yes, you can file for divorce in Bergen County, NJ, even if you were married in another state, provided that at least one spouse has been a resident of New Jersey for at least one year prior to filing. New Jersey’s residency requirement is designed to ensure that the state has jurisdiction over your divorce case. The location of the marriage itself is not a determining factor in where you can file for divorce, as long as the residency requirements are met.

How Is Child Custody Determined in a Bergen County Divorce?

In Bergen County, NJ, child custody is determined based on the best interests of the child, a standard that considers various factors to ensure the child’s health, safety, and welfare are prioritized. These factors include the parents’ ability to agree, communicate, and cooperate in matters relating to the child; the needs of the child; the stability of the home environment; the fitness of each parent; and the child’s relationship with each parent. New Jersey courts do not favor either parent based on gender and aim to encourage shared parenting responsibilities whenever possible.

Are Assets Always Divided Equally in a Bergen County Divorce?

In Bergen County, NJ, assets are divided according to the principle of equitable distribution, which does not necessarily mean equal division. Instead, the court looks at various factors to determine a fair distribution of marital assets and debts. These factors include the duration of the marriage, each spouse’s economic circumstances, the standard of living established during the marriage, and contributions made by each spouse to marital property. The goal is to reach a division that is fair and just for both parties, considering the unique circumstances of their marriage.

Bergen County Divorce Lawyer Statistics

New Jersey, including Bergen County, has one of the nation’s lowest divorce rates. As of 2017, New Jersey had the third lowest divorce rate in the United States, with 12.7 divorces per 1,000 married people. This low rate could be influenced by factors such as higher median household incomes and lower unemployment rates in the state compared to the national average.

Contact Our Bergen County Divorce Lawyers Today!

At Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C., we recognize the emotional and legal complexities that accompany the divorce process. As experienced divorce lawyers in Bergen County, NJ, we are committed to providing our clients with compassionate, comprehensive legal support tailored to their unique circumstances. Our dedication to excellence, combined with our in-depth understanding of New Jersey divorce laws, ensures that we are uniquely positioned to navigate our clients through this challenging time. We pride ourselves on our ability to protect our clients’ interests, achieve favorable outcomes, and offer the guidance and representation needed to start a new chapter of their lives with confidence and peace of mind.

Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C. Bergen County Divorce Lawyer

135 Chestnut Ridge Rd Suite 200, Montvale, NJ 07645