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Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman P.C. has a long tradition of success, growing in size and resources over four decades. Our attorneys provide support in a wide variety of litigations including personal injury, divorce and matrimonial law, business litigation, national class action lawsuits and more.

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Is Legal Representation Important in a Same-Sex Divorce?

By Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C.Divorce attorney

As same-sex civil unions or domestic partnerships are now legal in New York and New Jersey, you are entitled to the same rights as any other divorcing couple if you are gay, should you meet residency requirements. However, complications can arise when there are issues to hash out like child custody or spousal support payments, among other things. This is …

Can I Dismiss My Divorce After the Case is Filed?

By Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C.Divorce attorney

Although it is rare, it is not prohibited for someone seeking a divorce to change his or her mind during or after the process in an attempt to reconcile with an ex. Maintaining a healthy relationship can be incredibly difficult. It is possible that through a divorce, a couple could realize that many of its problems could be hashed out …

Who Is Responsible for Health Insurance Costs Following a Divorce?

By Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C.Divorce attorney

Some of the most common questions we receive in divorce cases involving children deal with health insurance coverage. It should be noted if you are going through a legal separation with your spouse, health insurance coverage provisions could be written into any agreement. In many cases, the parent who was responsible for making insurance payments continues to do so until …

Are Divorces ‘Contagious’?

By Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C.Divorce attorney

Are divorces “contagious”? Last week, the New York Post had an interesting story about how divorces may be increasing among groups of people, as the public sees friends seeking them out. Buried inside the story was an interesting statistic. According to the Post, a 2014 joint study from Brown University, Yale University and the University of California, San Diego, found …

What Happens to Retirement Funds during a Divorce?

By Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C.Divorce attorney

The New York Times had an interesting story recently about how people should plan accordingly for retirement funding should they contemplate a divorce.  According to the Times, the divorce rate in the U.S. for people 50 or older has doubled since 1990, and it is expected to increase as the population steadily ages. The paper estimates that by 2030, 80,000 …

Woman Takes to Social Media after Husband Refuses to Grant “Get”

By Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C.Divorce attorney

According to CBS New York, an Orthodox Jewish woman has launched a social media campaign to help her obtain a ‘get’ from her husband. The network reported that Rivky Stein has created a Facebook page in which she accuses her husband of emotional and physical abuse, including raping and beating her while she was pregnant. Stein’s husband, Yoel Weiss, denies …

What Will Happen to My Business Following a Divorce?

By Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C.Divorce attorney

Are you worried about losing your business following a divorce? If you are a business owner who has worked hard to build a respected operation, you should understand how family businesses and closely-held businesses are valued, considered and divided in a divorce. Remember, in New York and New Jersey, all marital assets, including businesses, are subject to equitable distribution in …

Do I Have to Disclose Bitcoin Currency During a Divorce?

By Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C.Divorce attorney

CNBC.com had an interesting story last week about Bitcoin, the electronic currency, and how it could be potentially used by divorcing spouses to hide assets. The news source reported that lawyers in England are now dealing with the issue, and it could become a major problem in the U.S., as the currency becomes more popular and courts are trying to …

Who Is Responsible For Student Loan Debt After a Divorce?

By Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C.Divorce attorney

Last week, the Wall Street Journal had an interesting story about student loan debt responsibility following a divorce. The Journal reported that college students and alumni are now more in debt than ever because of student loans, with students who earned bachelor’s degrees in 2012 having an outstanding loan balance of $29,400, with those with advanced degrees having even more. …

Baby Boomers Causing Rise in Divorce Cases

By Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C.Divorce attorney

The Washington Post had an interesting story last month about how divorce is on the rise nationally, and it is because of Baby Boomers. Our blog has covered this trend previously; however, the Post story paints a new light on the story. According to the Post¸ new research by demographers at the University of Minnesota has found that the divorce …