In our society today, workplace discrimination is a very common problem that comes in many varieties. Common forms of workplace discrimination include biases based on race, sex, religion, age, national origin, physical disability and sexual orientation. Discriminatory practices can range in severity through biases in hiring, job assignment, compensation, harassment and even termination. If you or someone you know has fallen victim to workplace discrimination, contact the law offices of Kantrowitz, Goldhamer and Graifman, P.C. We have the professional knowledge and experience to give you only the best legal representation when fighting for your rights.
Over the course of many years, a multitude of employment discrimination laws have been put in place, seeking to prevent such employee discriminations. While such laws are numerous, the main bodies of employment discrimination laws exist on both the state and federal level, within the fifth and fourteenth amendments of the United States Constitution. These amendments directly limit the power of federal and state governments to discriminate in the workplace. The Fifth Amendment states that government cannot deprive individuals of the rights to life, liberty and property without due process of the law. The Fourteenth Amendment directly prohibits any state from denying an individual their rights to due process and equal protection. These two constitutional amendments go hand in hand to limit employers from treating any employee in a negative impact due to their allegiance to a certain religious group, the color of their skin, or their sexual preference. Should an employer unfairly terminate an employee on any of these grounds, due process protects the employee or group of employees, allowing them to receive a fair process before their termination.
If you or someone you know has fallen victim to workplace discrimination, contact the law offices of Kantrowitz, Goldhamer and Graifman, P.C. to receive only the best legal representation possible. Our knowledgeable team of lawyers has extensive experience in both class action litigation and employment law, making our firm the best candidate for your workplace discrimination case. Call us today at (800) 711-5258/ 800-711-5258/ (201) 690-7735.