4 Things Often Overlooked in Divorce Negotiations

By Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C.Divorce attorney

During a divorce, it is hard to make rational decisions with long-term implications when you are upset or stressed. Yet, you will be asked to work out a divorce agreement that will be binding for years to come. Here are some things overlooked by many soon-to-be ex-spouses.

There are always loose ends

Divorce legally ends your marriage, but it does not nullify everything between the two of you. There may be a bit of clean-up work to do afterward, like changing the beneficiary on your accounts and insurance policies and updating your will.

Failing to plan ahead

Many people realize that their divorce is a long time coming but fail to plan. It will make your job and the job of your lawyer easier if you gather all financial information before you or your spouse files a petition for divorce. This includes account information and online logins for bank, retirement, and brokerage accounts, as well as tax information.

Fighting over the little things

Your divorce is an ideal time to practice choosing your battles. You may love your wedding china more than your spouse does, but it will likely cost more in legal fees to fight for it than it would to buy a new favorite set of dishes.

An added benefit of letting things go is it can build goodwill for working out the more significant issues. Your efforts are better spent on things with a long-term impact, like spousal support and child custody arrangements.

Not choosing qualified legal representation

When you work with a divorce attorney who understands all these implications, it will save you time and money that would be wasted on future legal battles. This is one reason it is essential to select a lawyer who has expertise in matrimonial matters.

Your divorce lawyer should also help provide a balanced perspective. While you may be approaching issues from an emotional place, your lawyer will be more detached.

Look out for your future; choose an experienced attorney

Headed into a divorce, you may be experiencing emotional upheaval, changes in residence and finances, and a host of questions about the future. Choose an experienced New York and New Jersey divorce attorney who can guide you through it.

At Kantrowitz, Goldhamer, & Graifman, we help Rockland County and Bergen County residents work through important details without losing sight of the big picture. Contact us today to schedule a private consultation to find out whether our team is the right fit for you.

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