KANTROWITZ GOLDHAMER & GRAIFMAN, P.C. (“KGG”) has filed suit against the Home Depot regarding a security data breach, confirmed by the company in September 2014. This breach may have affected the private information of approximately 56 million cardholders.
Security breaches such as this are becoming increasingly problematic for consumers. Home Depot and other vendors must do everything they can to protect the account information of customers. One of the ways to hold corporations accountable and to change their negligent behavior in the future is to pursue class action litigation.
If your account was compromised because of the Home Depot data breach, you may be able to join our class action lawsuit. Click here to read the full Complaint that was recently filed in the Northern District of Georgia, Atlanta Division. The class will be open to affected individuals nationwide. If your credit card or debit card was compromised in the Home Depot data breach and you would like more information about potentially joining this lawsuit, contact attorney Gary S. Graifman today.