Ethan Hawke Discusses Divorce From Uma Thurman

By Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C.News

Actor Ethan Hawke recently opened up to the Elle magazine about his divorce from actress Uma Thurman after their six-year marriage.

The actor told the Elle that he married Thurman at too young of age—27. “Success when you’re young is really overwhelming. The world felt out of control. And I wanted to stop it from spinning so fast. I thought marriage would decrease my variables or something. I was absolutely wrong,” Hawke told Elle. “There was this discovery that the male brain isn’t done until 28. I definitely think my frontal lobe was not finished. I had no business taking vows that would last more than two weeks.”

Hawke said the divorce was difficult, but it prepared him “for the rest of his life.”

“Through the failure of my first marriage I learned a lot about myself. Until you know yourself, you don’t know how to share your life with another person,” Hawke told Elle. “And this may sound too self help-y, but when I was a young man, I had all these ideas about who I wanted to be. But they weren’t totally rooted in the truth.”

Hawke’s divorce is typical of many separations. While a divorce can be incredibly painful, over time, many people begin to feel better through self-reflection. Although it may be hard to see in the short-term, a divorce can often be the best way to dig yourself out of a lifetime of unhappiness and despair.

Our attorneys have decades of experience in divorce negotiations. We can help you make a peaceful transition into your post-divorce future. We will listen to your wishes and assist you compassionate counsel. To speak with Paul B. Goldhamer and his associates, call our toll-free phone number at (800) 711-5258.

Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C. – Rockland County Divorce Attorneys

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