Did Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas Get Divorced?

By Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C.News

According to People Magazine, actors Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith have announced that they are seeking a divorce.divorce

The news outlet reported that the couple has a combined net worth estimated to be around $50 million, and that the couple have numerous assets that will need to be divided. A source told People that Banderas is good at investing his money.

“[Banderas] is a shrewd businessman; he has a lot of investments and business interests,” the source told the magazine. “Melanie’s no slouch either; they don’t spend money they don’t have. They are very proud of that.”

Although both stars have seen their careers peak already, they continue to act. Griffith guest-starred on the CBS show Hawaii Five-O earlier this year, while Banderas continues to collect money from voicing the Puss in Boots character from the Shrek franchise.

Griffith reportedly asked for spousal support in her divorce filing, and noted that she and Banderas have homes in Los Angeles, New York City, Aspen and Spain.

Banderas reportedly invested in commercial real estate ventures in Los Angeles, Miami and overseas, as well as several restaurants around the world.

The couple was married for 18 years. Griffith is also seeking physical custody of their daughter Stella, 17, allowing visitation for Banderas.

What Happens to My Assets During a Divorce?

This divorce appears as though it will be amicable, as the couple has released a joint statement supporting each other. However, even in non-contentious divorces, it is important for all parties to acquire effective counsel to protect valuable real estate, residences and accumulated funds during marriage.

It is also important to get quality legal advice when dealing with issues of child custody and visitation, alimony and child support and postnuptial agreements.

Complicated proceedings over the division of marital assets are some of the most contentious aspects of any divorce. Let our attorneys help you. Our family law offices in New York or New Jersey can be reached through our online contact form.

Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C. – Rockland County Divorce Attorneys

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