There are many elements to a successful car accident injury lawsuit. Recovering the compensation you deserve requires a thorough investigation, evidence of negligence, and a plan for settlement negotiations. The right attorney can help you build a strong claim. If you’ve been hurt through no fault of your own, talk to our car accident injury claim lawyers at Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C. to schedule a free case evaluation
Investigate the accident
Before you can take any other steps in your personal injury case, your attorney has to investigate your accident. They could obtain several vital pieces of evidence during this process. For example, it might be possible that a CCTV camera captured the collision. Your attorney will try and get that evidence before it is erased. They could also interview witnesses before their memories fade, or it becomes too difficult to find them. In addition to finding out how the accident happened, they may also be able to identify the party who is liable for the collision.
Evaluate your case
An attorney will also review the evidence they collected during the investigation to help you better understand the strength of your personal injury case. By reviewing your medical records, they can advise you on what your case might be worth. It is usually determined by looking at the legal concept known as damages. If your damages amount to a permanent disability, for example, it will be worth more as you might not be able to return to work and therefore cannot support yourself or your family.
Negotiate a settlement (ADD)
Negotiating a settlement is one of the most important things an attorney can do in a car accident injury lawsuit. These cases are frequently resolved through settlement, as most will never go to trial. However, not every settlement offer is worth accepting. An attorney will help you evaluate the strength of a settlement offer to determine if it is in your best interest. The right legal counsel could also negotiate on your behalf to resolve your case favorably.
Litigate your case (ADD)
Most people would prefer to resolve their car accident case without ever filing a lawsuit. However, when early settlements are not an option, your attorney could file a lawsuit. Litigation is complicated, but your attorney will handle every aspect of your case as it works its way through the judicial system. Along the way, they will keep trying to reach a settlement with the defendant.
Contact us for a free consultation
These are only a few ways Rockland County, New York personal injury lawyers can help you. Since 1975, we have provided large-firm, full-service, quality legal work for a broad range of clients. Decades later, we are still big enough to do it all — and small enough to care. Our team is ready to help you maximize your financial recovery following a car accident. If you are considering a lawsuit after a crash, now is the time to talk to an attorney. We work on a contingency basis, so there are no upfront legal fees.