In Family Law, Winning Is Not Always Getting the Largest Amount of Money

By Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C.Family Law Attorney

Bergen County, New Jersey family law attorney Paul Goldhamer, Esq. is a founding partner at Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman. In addition to practicing matrimonial law, Mr. Goldhamer maintains a full schedule of radio and television appearances, teaching, and giving talks to professional organizations. He was a pioneer in providing no-cost public seminars on legal matters in New York and New Jersey. Mr. Goldhamer was chosen as a “Super Lawyer” by in 2014.

by Paul Goldhamer, Esq.

October 5, 2017:

43 years ago on this day, I was admitted and sworn in as an attorney & counselor at law in New York.  I suspect that I have supervised and handled more than 10,000 matters in my career.

I have spent my entire career helping regular people solve often difficult and sometimes ordinary problems. My experience has been that most problems are caused by the intractability of individuals, usually driven by strong emotions or their pecuniary interest.

The vast majority of my clients are wonderful people, caught in difficult positions. I believe most of them will help try to do the right thing.

Particularly in family matters, winning isn’t always getting exactly what you want. There are usually several parties in every family litigation, and people have a tendency to forget about the children and grandparents. What’s good for you may not always be the best for the kids.

All my brother & sister lawyers should make an effort to counsel their clients on human correctness. Winning is not always the largest amount of money or having it your way. Life must proceed with some harmony.

At KGG, we have been counseling, lawyering and helping people solve life problems for 43 years. We are here to help.

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