Rockland County Child Custody Lawyer

Child Custody Lawyer Rockland County, NY

When you need to create a parenting agreement during a custody battle, it is crucial that you seek help from a Rockland County, NY child custody lawyer who can guide you through the process. Depending on your relationship with your children and how you have cared for them in the past, you may think that it is obvious how a judge would split up your parenting time. You may think you automatically get physical custody if you are the caregiver. If you have been the financial provider for your family, you may be concerned that you will not have rights when it comes to making decisions for your children. However, the team at Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C. know that courts believe children must have both parents in their lives and we will aim to help you be as big a part of your children’s lives as possible. When you are ready to work on your parenting plan, call us. 

Child Custody Lawyer Rockland County, NY with paper cutout man and woman holding hand of a child and a gavel between them

What is in a parenting plan? 

You need to create a parenting plan when you are divorcing and go through child custody arrangements. Doing so can allow you and your spouse to compromise and come to an arrangement that works for both of you and your children without relying on a court to make decisions. If you are concerned that this will get contentious, it is especially important to have a Rockland County child custody lawyer with you to ensure custody agreements remain fair and in the best interests of the children, not one that will hurt the other spouse or prove a point. 

A parenting plan can outline who has primary custody and what the visitation arrangements will look like. It can discuss education, extracurriculars, holidays, and even religious obligations. 

Making Modification To Your Parenting Plan 

Some things may change after you have agreed to a parenting plan, including getting re-married, moving, or changing jobs. When this is the case and you would like to make modifications, you should speak with your lawyer about presenting a new parenting plan to the judge to confirm that these modifications will still be in your children’s best interests. 

What if my spouse/partner was abusive/dangerous in some way? 

If your children’s other parent is a threat in some way and could put your children’s lives in danger, this is something you want to tell your lawyer immediately. While any judge wants to see both parents involved in a child’s life, this should not result in risking children’s lives just to have both parents. Instead, bring evidence showing why the other parent should not have physical custody or why they are not fit to make decisions regarding your children’s lives. 

Get Help For Child Custody And Parenting Plans

When you need help with your child custody arrangements or creating a parenting plan, don’t hesitate to get legal help. Contact the team at Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C. to see what our Rockland County child custody lawyer can do for you. 

Working With Child Custody Lawyers

When you’re dealing with a complicated issue like child custody, it is important to consult a Rockland County, NY child custody lawyer. These legal professionals specialize in helping individuals navigate through the complicated area of family law, particularly on child custody and visitation rights. A lawyer from Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C. can help you with your case.

How Child Custody Lawyers Serve Clients

Child custody lawyers play a crucial role in assisting parents or guardians in their pursuit of securing the best interests of the child or children involved. They provide valuable advice and advocacy, ensuring that their clients are well-informed about their rights and obligations. A child custody lawyer can offer guidance on legal procedures, documentation requirements, and the overall strategy to be employed during custody battles.

A child custody lawyer can help you understand the various types of custody arrangements available. They explain the differences between sole custody, joint custody, and shared custody and talk about the positives and negatives of each option. This knowledge empowers parents to make informed decisions that are most beneficial for their children.

Drafting Parenting Plans

Child custody lawyers also assist in negotiating and drafting parenting plans, which outline how the parents will share responsibilities and make decisions regarding their child’s upbringing. These plans typically cover aspects such as visitation schedules, holiday arrangements, educational decisions, and healthcare choices. By carefully crafting these agreements, child custody lawyers help foster stability and minimize conflicts between the parents.


In cases where disputes arise or when one parent contests the custody arrangement proposed by the other, child custody lawyers step in to advocate for their clients’ rights in court. A Rockland County child custody lawyer collects evidence, talks to witnesses, and presents strong arguments to support their clients’ position. Their legal expertise and familiarity with family law statutes enable them to navigate the courtroom effectively, increasing the chances of a favorable outcome.

In addition to going into the courtroom, child custody lawyers frequently collaborate with other professionals who play a role in the custody determination process. They may work closely with child psychologists or social workers to assess the child’s well-being and make recommendations to the court. Additionally, child custody lawyers may engage in mediation sessions or settlement negotiations, aiming to reach mutually satisfactory agreements that prioritize the child’s best interests.

Support & Guidance

It’s worth noting that child custody lawyers also offer invaluable support and guidance to grandparents or other family members seeking visitation or custody rights. They help these relatives understand their legal standing and explore potential avenues for securing visitation or custody arrangements.

Schedule a Consultation

A Rockland County child custody lawyer plays an important role in handling custody disputes. Their expertise in family law and their ability to navigate complex legal processes empowers parents to make informed decisions, negotiate fair agreements, and present compelling arguments in court. By prioritizing the best interests of the child, child custody lawyers contribute to establishing stability, ensuring healthy co-parenting relationships, and fostering the overall well-being of the children involved. Schedule a consultation with a lawyer from Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C. today.

How Child Custody Lawyers Serve Clients Infographic

How Child Custody Lawyers Serve Clients Infographic

Understanding The Roles of a Child Support Lawyer

A Rockland County NY child support lawyer from Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman P.C. is a legal professional who specializes in dealing cases related to child support. These lawyers play a crucial role in ensuring the well-being and financial stability of children whose parents are no longer together or married. Their expertise lies in navigating the complex legal landscape surrounding child support, advocating for the best interests of the child, and ensuring that both parents fulfill their financial obligations.

When couples separate or divorce, child support becomes something very important to think about. The responsibility of financially supporting the child is shared between the parents, and a child support lawyer can help decide the appropriate amount that should be paid based on various factors, including the income and financial circumstances of each parent, the child’s needs, and the custody arrangement.

Providing Invaluable Support & Guidance

One of the key roles of a child support lawyer is to guide their clients through the legal process. They educate their clients about their rights and obligations, explain the laws and regulations governing child support, and help them understand the potential outcomes of their case. This knowledge empowers clients to make informed decisions and ensures that they have a clear understanding of their legal standing.

Child support lawyers also assist their clients in collecting the necessary documentation and evidence to support their case. They may help gather financial records, employment information, and other relevant documents to establish the income and financial capacity of each parent. This evidence is crucial in determining the appropriate amount of child support and ensuring that the child’s financial needs are adequately met.

Mediators Between Parents

Besides assisting with the legal aspects, a Rockland County child support lawyer often acts as mediators between the parents. They aim to facilitate constructive communication and negotiation to reach a fair and mutually agreeable child support arrangement. However, if an agreement cannot be reached through negotiation, the lawyer will represent their client in court proceedings.

Child support lawyers have knowledge of family law and the intricacies of child support calculations. They stay up to date with any changes in legislation that may affect child support guidelines and ensure that their clients receive accurate and relevant advice. Their expertise allows them to anticipate potential challenges or disputes that may arise during the process, helping their clients navigate these complexities effectively.

Child support lawyers prioritize the best interests of the child above all else. They advocate for the child’s rights to receive appropriate financial support from both parents, regardless of the relationship between the parents. They work diligently to ensure that the child’s needs, such as education, healthcare, and general well-being, are adequately met.

Legal Assistance is Available

A Rockland County child support lawyer from Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman P.C. plays a key role in safeguarding the financial stability and well-being of children affected by separation or divorce. Through their knowledge of family law and child support regulations, they help their clients through the legal process, advocate for the child’s best interests, and strive to reach fair and reasonable child support arrangements. Their expertise, negotiation skills, and compassion make them valuable allies for parents navigating the complex world of child support.

Child Support Lawyer

When dealing with child support matters, it is essential to have a skilled and experienced Rockland County, NY child support lawyer who can navigate the complexities of family law and advocate for the best interests of your child. Choosing the right lawyer can make a significant difference in achieving a fair and satisfactory outcome. Specifically, there are five important qualities to look for in a child support lawyer.

Knowledge in Family Law and Child Support

The first and foremost quality to consider when selecting a child support lawyer is their expertise in family law, specifically in child support matters. Look for a lawyer who specializes in family law and has a deep understanding of the relevant statutes, regulations, and legal precedents pertaining to child support. An experienced child support lawyer will have extensive knowledge of the factors considered by courts when determining child support, such as the income of both parents, the child’s needs, and any special circumstances. Their expertise will enable them to effectively navigate the legal system and advocate for your child’s best interests.

Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Effective communication is crucial in any legal matter. Look for a Rockland County child support lawyer who possesses strong communication and interpersonal skills. They should be able to explain complex legal concepts in a clear and understandable manner, actively listen to your concerns, and respond to your questions and inquiries promptly. A skilled communicator will be able to articulate your position persuasively, both in negotiations and in court if necessary. Additionally, a lawyer who demonstrates empathy, patience, and sensitivity can help reduce the stress and emotional burden associated with child support cases.

Negotiation and Mediation Skills

Child support cases often involve negotiations between parents or mediation sessions to reach agreements. It is vital to select a child support lawyer who possesses strong negotiation and mediation skills. They should be adept at identifying common ground, exploring mutually beneficial solutions, and advocating for your child’s financial needs effectively. An experienced negotiator can help you achieve a fair and reasonable child support arrangement without the need for protracted litigation. However, they should also be prepared to litigate in court if negotiation or mediation efforts are unsuccessful.

Attention to Detail and Organizational Skills

Child support cases involve significant amounts of paperwork, documentation, and financial records. Look for a child support lawyer who pays attention to detail and possesses excellent organizational skills. They should be thorough in gathering and analyzing relevant information, ensuring that no important details are overlooked. An organized lawyer will be able to present a strong case, supported by accurate and comprehensive documentation, to the court or during negotiations. Attention to detail and organizational skills are essential in building a solid foundation for your child support case.

Track Record and Reputation

Before hiring a Rockland County child support lawyer, it is essential to assess their track record and reputation. Look for testimonials or references from previous clients to gauge their level of satisfaction and success in child support cases. Research their professional background, education, and experience. A lawyer with a proven track record of achieving favorable outcomes for their clients in child support matters will provide you with confidence and assurance that your case is in capable hands.

You shouldn’t have to navigate child support on your own. Don’t hesitate to contact Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman when you’re ready for a lawyer to advise you in your child support plan.

5 Important Qualities of Child Support Lawyer Infographic

5 Important Qualities Of Child Support Lawyer Infographic

Questions Answered: Understanding Child Custody Arrangements And Child Support

As a Rockland County, NY child support lawyer is well aware, when two people decide to file for divorce or separate, many important decisions about their children’s future must be made. Understanding the types of child custody arrangements and how child support is determined can help parents navigate these challenging times. Our Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C. can share that there are several questions divorcing parents will want the answers to. 

  1. What are the types of child custody arrangements?

Child custody arrangements come in two primary forms: physical and legal custody. Physical custody refers to whom the child lives with, while legal custody involves making significant decisions concerning the child’s welfare. Each type can be further broken down into sole or joint custody. Sole custody is when only one parent has custody, while in joint custody, both parents share the responsibilities. Shared parenting is another approach where parents aim to divide all parental duties equally, with the child’s time divided roughly equally between two households.

  1. How is joint custody different from sole custody?

In sole custody, one parent – the custodial parent – has the exclusive right to make significant decisions regarding the child’s upbringing, while the other parent – the noncustodial parent – typically has visitation rights. However, in joint custody, both parents share equal responsibility in making important decisions about the child’s life. This might involve decisions about education, health, and religion. Joint custody can be beneficial for maintaining a strong relationship between the child and both parents, but it requires a high degree of cooperation.

  1. Can a noncustodial parent be denied visitation rights?

Noncustodial parents typically have the right to visit their children unless the court determines that visitation would be harmful to the child. Our Rockland County child support lawyer will share that this could occur if there’s a history of domestic violence, substance abuse, or neglect. In such cases, the court may order supervised visitation, where a neutral third party is present during visits. Remember, visitation rights are not contingent upon child support payments; a parent can’t be denied visitation for nonpayment of child support.

  1. How is child support determined?

Child support is typically calculated using a formula that considers the income of both parents, the number of children involved, and the custody arrangement. Other factors like healthcare, education expenses, and the child’s standard of living before the separation may also be considered. Child support aims to ensure the child’s financial needs are met, and their standard of living is maintained as much as possible post-separation.

  1. Can child support be modified?

Yes, child support can be modified if there is a significant change in circumstances. This may include a substantial increase or decrease in either parent’s income, changes in the child’s needs, or changes in custody arrangements. To modify child support, a parent must request a court review and provide evidence supporting the need for a change.

Understanding the intricacies of child custody arrangements and child support is crucial for divorcing or separating parents. This knowledge enables them to make informed decisions in the best interest of their children. While the above responses offer a general overview, every family’s situation is unique, so professional legal advice should be sought. Regardless of the arrangement, remember that the primary focus should be on maintaining the child’s well-being and preserving their relationship with both parents, wherever possible. When facing such issues, it’s important to speak with our Rockland County child support lawyer from Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C., call today!

Understanding Common Types of Child Custody Arrangements and How to Reach an Agreement

Child custody arrangements are a critical aspect of post-divorce or separation life for parents and their children, which may require guidance from a Rockland County, NY child support lawyer. Deciding on the proper custody arrangement can be challenging, involving considerations for the child’s well-being and each parent’s needs. Our team from Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman P.C. understands that when facing these types of situations, parents will be overwhelmed and left with many questions regarding the process. The following offers the answers surrounding some of the most frequently asked questions regarding child custody arrangements and reaching mutually agreeable solutions.

What are the primary types of child custody arrangements?

There are several types of child custody arrangements that parties may agree upon. While there may be no one size fits all solution, developing customized agreements is possible. Some of the most common types of custody arrangements include:

  • Sole Custody: This arrangement grants one parent exclusive physical and legal custody of the child. The non-custodial parent may have visitation rights, but major decisions regarding the child’s upbringing rest with the custodial parent.
  • Joint Custody: In joint custody, both parents share responsibility for the child’s upbringing. Physical custody may be shared equally, or the child may spend significant time with one parent while the other has regular visitation rights.
  • Split Custody: In split custody, if there are multiple children, they may be divided between the parents, each becoming the primary custodian for at least one child.
  • Bird’s Nest Custody: This arrangement keeps the child in the family home, and parents take turns living there to provide care, minimizing disruptions to the child’s routine.
  • Third-Party Custody: In rare cases where both parents are unfit, custody may be awarded to a third-party guardian, like a grandparent or relative.

How can parents work together to decide on child custody arrangements?

When developing child custody arrangements, reaching a solution can be difficult, especially considering emotions may be running high. Our Rockland County child support lawyer stresses the importance of keeping the child’s interests at the forefront; the following are some effective ways to develop these agreements:

  • Effective Communication: Open, honest, and respectful communication between parents is essential. Both parties should express their concerns and desires, keeping the child’s best interests in mind.
  • Mediation: Engaging a professional mediator can facilitate productive discussions, offering an unbiased perspective to help parents find common ground. Focus on the Child: Prioritizing the child’s well-being over personal differences is crucial during custody negotiations.
  • Flexibility and Compromise: Parents should be willing to compromise and remain flexible, creating a schedule that works for everyone involved.
  • Seek Legal Advice: Consulting a lawyer can help parents understand their rights and responsibilities and ensure the agreement meets legal requirements.

How can parents maintain stability and consistency in child custody arrangements?

Once an agreement has been made, it will be essential to stick to the plan that has to maintain consistency for the child. Some tips to keep in mind include:

  • Stick to the Schedule: Adhering to the agreed-upon custody schedule provides stability and predictability in the child’s life.
  • Co-Parenting Communication: Regular communication between parents about the child’s activities, school updates, and general well-being promotes consistency in their upbringing.
  • Respect Boundaries: Both parents should respect each other’s time with the child and avoid interference without proper communication.
  • Safe Environment: Ensuring both homes are safe and nurturing environments is vital for the child’s well-being.
  • Conflict Resolution: Disagreements should be handled privately and away from the child to prevent unnecessary stress.

What if the initial custody agreement needs modification?

Sometimes, an agreement must be modified as changes happen over time. Common examples of reasons it may be necessary to alter the agreement are:

  • Changed Circumstances: Significant life changes like relocation, work schedule alterations, or remarriage may require modifying the custody agreement.
  • Child’s Preference: If the child is mature enough, their preferences may be considered when discussing modifications.
  • Mediation or Legal Assistance: Seeking help from a mediator, a lawyer can facilitate productive discussions and find mutually agreeable solutions.
  • Court Approval: Any modifications to the custody arrangement must be approved by the court to protect the child’s best interests.
  • Cooperation: Both parents must cooperate and demonstrate a willingness to adjust the agreement for the child’s benefit.

Child custody arrangements demand careful consideration and cooperation between parents to ensure the best outcomes for their children. To learn more about forming child custody agreements, seek help from our Rockland County child support lawyer at Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman P.C.

Child Custody Statistics

According to the U.S. Census, 26% of children live with only one parent.  Single-parent households are more common than many might assume. For family lawyers, it reflects the need for legal expertise in child custody, support, and visitation agreements. It also highlights the importance of understanding and addressing the unique challenges and considerations of single-parent families in the legal system, making it a critical focus area for legal professionals dedicated to family law.

Understanding New York Child Custody Laws

Our Rockland County, NY child custody lawyer explains that In the state of New York, child custody laws prioritize the best interests of the child. These laws aim to ensure that children have stable, loving environments following the separation or divorce of their parents. For families navigating this challenging terrain, having a comprehensive grasp of these legal guidelines is crucial.

Best Interests Of The Child Standard

Central to New York child custody decisions is the “best interests of the child” standard. While the term might seem subjective, courts assess several factors to determine a child’s best interests. These factors include:

  • The mental and physical health of each parent
  • The ability of each parent to provide a stable home environment
  • Each parent’s willingness to support and facilitate the child’s relationship with the other parent
  • The child’s relationships with siblings and other members of the household
  • The child’s preference, if they are of an appropriate age and maturity to express a preference
  • Any history of domestic violence or abuse

Types Of Custody In New York

New York recognizes two main types of custody:

Physical Custody: This refers to where the child lives. A parent with primary physical custody has the child living with them most of the time. Joint physical custody means the child spends significant time with both parents.

Legal Custody: This pertains to the decision-making rights regarding significant aspects of the child’s life, such as education, medical care, and religious upbringing. Joint legal custody means both parents have equal say in these decisions. Sole legal custody allows only one parent to make these decisions.

It’s worth noting that the courts can award joint legal custody without awarding joint physical custody.

Modification And Enforcement Of Custody Orders

Life is dynamic, and circumstances change. New York child custody laws accommodate these changes by allowing parents to request modifications to existing custody orders. However, for a court to consider a modification, the requesting parent must show a substantial change in circumstances that affects the child’s best interests.

Enforcing custody orders is also a critical aspect of the legal landscape. If a parent violates an order, they could face penalties, including fines or changes to the custody arrangement. A Rockland County child custody lawyer can provide guidance in both modification and enforcement scenarios.

Relocating With A Child

Relocation can be a contentious issue in child custody cases. If a custodial parent wishes to move and the move might significantly disrupt the child’s relationship with the non-custodial parent, they often need court approval. The court will again use the best interests standard, considering how the move will impact the child’s well-being and relationship with both parents.

At Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C., we understand the nuances and intricacies of New York’s child custody laws. Families navigating custody disputes need both compassion and legal prowess, and our team is dedicated to providing both. If you’re facing a child custody challenge or simply need advice on understanding your rights, reach out to us. Let an experienced Rockland County child custody lawyer from our firm guide you through this critical phase, ensuring your child’s interests remain at the forefront.

Kantrowitz, Goldhamer & Graifman, P.C., Rockland County Child Custody Lawyer

16 Squadron Blvd, Suite 106, New City, NY 10956